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Revised version of European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity published

ALLEA (All European Academies) recently published the newest version of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. The ALLEA Code of Conduct is not only the most well-known guidance document on research integrity in Europe, it also serves as the foundation for the work of LARI. 

The European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity was first developed to provide a uniform basis for different countries to implement their commitment to research integrity. Since its inception, it has undergone a number of revisions to ensure continued relevance with the rapidly changing research landscape. The fundamental principles of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity are rooted in the importance of trust in research conduct and knowledge production. To this end, the Code of Conduct places emphasis on upholding professional values, adhering to ethical principles, and ensuring a fair and honest research process. Of particular importance is the requirement for transparency in all aspects of the research process, from conducting research to publishing research results. In the years since its original formulation, the Code of Conduct has now undergone two revisions to ensure it remains relevant and applicable in light of new developments.

The 2023 Revised Edition of the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity has been updated to ensure that the European Code of Conduct remains fit for purpose and relevant to all disciplines, emerging areas of research, and new research practices. The European Commission recognises the European Code of Conduct as the reference document for research integrity for all EU-funded research projects and the European Code of Conduct increasingly serves as a model for organisations and researchers across Europe and beyond.

As the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity is the key reference document for LARI, we asked our Commission for Research Integrity for a statement on the revised version:

“Le comité CRI salue la mise à jour du Code ALLEA sur l’intégrité scientifique (mise à jour 2023).  Le Code continue de faire la promotion d’une recherche éthique et responsable. Cette nouvelle mouture témoigne du dynamisme de la réflexion en matière de pratiques exemplaires en recherche et de la volonté de maintenir des balises qui sont au diapason de la manière dont sont menées les activités de recherche en 2023.  Le code aborde en effet les nouvelles exigences relatives au RGPD, ou considère l’intégration de l’IA ou de la science ouverte dans les activités de recherche. 

Il fait également une large place aux pratiques exemplaires de collaborations entre chercheurs mais aussi dans le cadre de recherche faisant appel aux citoyens, et de la diffusion des résultats sous toutes ses formes. 

Comme le rappelle le nouveau texte du préambule, la communauté de la recherche embrasse un vaste éventail de parties prenantes, comprenant non seulement les chercheurs et leur équipe, mais aussi le personnel de soutien, les établissements, les agences de financement, etc. 

Toute la communauté scientifique du Luxembourg est donc invitée à prendre acte de ces changements –  qui reflètent les valeurs, normes et loi européennes actuelles –  à en discuter au sein des  équipes de recherche et les intégrer dans leurs travaux au quotidien.  Le Code ALLEA a pour but d’assurer des activités de recherche de haute qualité, fiables et qui soient empreint de respect à tous égards : au sein des équipes de recherche, à l’égard des participants, l’environnement ou des animaux ou encore en ce qui a trait à l’utilisation appropriée des ressources en recherche et la reconnaissance des contributions de chacun.  CRI demeure engagé à vos côtés, pour atteindre cet objectif.” 

The CRI Committee welcomes the update to the ALLEA Code on Scientific Integrity (update 2023). The Code continues to promote ethical and responsible research. This new version testifies to the dynamism of reflection on best practices in research and the desire to maintain guidelines that are in tune with research activities, as they are conducted in 2023. . The code indeed addresses the new requirements relating to the GDPR, or considers the integration of AI or open science in research activities. It also gives a large place to best practices in collaborations between researchers but also in the context of citizen-science, and to the dissemination of results in all forms.

As the new text of the preamble reminds us, the research community embraces a wide range of stakeholders, including not only researchers and their teams, but also support staff, institutions, funding agencies, etc. The entire Luxembourg scientific community is therefore invited to take note of these changes – which reflect current European values, standards and laws -, to engage their teams in discussing these best practices and to integrate them into their daily work.

The ALLEA Code aims to ensure high-quality, reliable research activities that are respectful in all respects: within research teams;  with regard to participants, the environment or animals;  or with regard to the appropriate use of research resources and the recognition of everyone’s contributions. CRI remains committed by your side to achieve this objective.”

See: https://allea.org/allea-publishes-2023-revised-edition-of-the-european-code-of-conduct-for-research-integrity/


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